Theartrice (“T”) Williams

Independent consultant, former Interim Executive Director Phyllis Wheatley Community Center, Minneapolis School Board member and former Senior Research Associate at Rainbow Research, Inc. specializes in questions of social and distributive justice, with particular emphasis on community economic development and education issues affecting minority populations.  Mr. Williams has been the principal investigator on Rainbow Research evaluations of several local community-based organizations and has conducted program and organizational assessments at the national level.

Locally, Williams led a team that conducted an assessment of The City, Inc. in which he facilitated a self-reflection process among staff and key stakeholders, resulting in a report on ways to improve program effectiveness. Williams conducted focus group interviews and developed guidelines communities of color could use to respond to the Department of Corrections (DOC) Community Preservation Unit’s funding opportunities. In addition, Williams provided consultation to the DOC’s Community Preservation Unit’s Capacity Building Small Grants Program for Communities of Color.  Williams work with the DOC resulted in a “How to Get Started” handbook on planning community-based restorative justice programs. The handbook was distributed in several communities of color and translated into 7 different languages. Williams was a member of Rainbow Research team that conducted a Diversity Study of The American Cancer Society’s Eastern Division. In that study Williams supervised the direct administration of surveys to 400 Cancer Society employees. 

He has been team leader in assessing three educational project initiatives, developing an inclusiveness self-assessment tool for the United Way to assist it and its member agencies measure their progress toward becoming more racially and culturally inclusive organizations, assessing the Saint Paul Foundation’s Anti-racism Funding Initiative and designing a framework for strategic planning for a local community radio station.

For six years Williams was evaluation consultant and technical assistance provider to 10 local community-based organizations funded by the Minnesota Health Department’s Eliminating Health Disparities Initiative.

Williams has taught courses at the Humphrey Institute: Role of the Minority Community in Shaping Educational Reform Policy; Impact of Race on Social Policy Issues. Courses at Augsburg College included:  Social Work Practice: Community Organization and Social Policy; Social Work Program Administration and Policy Development and Field Practice; Topics in U.S. History: Minneapolis Urban Crises.

Williams’ recognitions and awards include The Bush Foundation Leadership Fellows award; Outstanding Achievement Award, Minnesota Chapter National Association of Social Workers; Outstanding Service in Criminal Justice Award, National Association of Blacks in Criminal Justice Award; Lutheran Social Service of Minnesota Service Award, Outstand Alumni Award University of Pennsylvania School of Social Work..

Williams holds a B.A. degree from the University of Illinois; M.S.W. from the University of Pennsylvania; graduate work at the University of Illinois, University of Chicago, DePaul University Law School and Northwestern University.  

Theartrice (“T”) Williams